Farmaceutici Dott. Ciccarelli at Cosmoprof North America - Las Vegas

Whenever it is hold, in Hong Kong or Las Vegas, Farmaceutici Dott. Ciccarelli can’t miss one of the most important B2B beauty events of the cosmetic industry: Cosmoprof North America (CPNA).

Being at its 15th edition, the Exhibition represents the most important business opportunity in the United States for all beauty and health care sectors. At Cosmoprof North America, that occupies more than 26.00 square meters with more than 1.100 exhibitors coming from 38 countries of the world are realized the launches of new products and packaging innovations, discussed subcontracting issues and the news of the beauty industry regarding cosmetics, perfumery and professional beauty treatment. 

The Exhibition is organized by North American Beauty Events LLC, the joint-venture Company between BolognaFiere Group and The Professional Beauty Association and will take place in Las Vegas at Mandalay Bay Convention Center from at 11 July 2017.

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